The Child Is The Father Of Man

I remember quite clearly, the time and date
I saw you and instantly, my fate – it changed!

I thought I was centred, calm and strong
My life at that moment, was proven quite wrong.

To all those who saw me, I still looked the same
Yet deep down within me, a volcano it came

Every bit and each cell, now just reprogrammed
And the emotions within, were traffic jammed.

Baby holding Father's Hand
THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC STARTS ( Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash )

The plates shifted tectonic, an earthquake there was
The Richter didn’t measure, the stupendous chaos.

And surely and soon, there was peace within
The changes complete, I was madly grinnin’.

As surely as you, had chosen her your mother
At that special moment, you made me a father.

I held you in my hand, you were my little child
And you made me realise, I was now also a guide!

That at your birth, I was born again too
My dear little boy, this was magical and new.

I again became centred, and calm and strong
You were in my arms, and nothing was wrong.

I looked at my life-partner, and she was a mother!
And she looked back at me, and I was a father!

Together we are, the journey starts again
There is joy everywhere, nothing seems plain.

And suddenly we cry, holding each another
Overwhelmed with awe, the birth of a mother and father.