LIMA – RIMA – Y Graft

The following is reproduced from the message sent to me by Dr. Sandeep Honnekeri post the CABG

Our patient has had a nice QUADRUPLE BYPASS ie 4 artery bypass operation using 2 latest international techniques Technique (1) :
It was a – BEATING HEART SURGERY – done “without stopping the heart” by the latest techniques.
Advantage : This beating heart surgery technique is very different from the standard bypass surgery – in which the heart and lungs are connected to a machine and the heart is “stopped” while performing the bypass. If the heart is stopped – It may require an electric shock to restart the heart after stopping it…BEATING HEART surgery gives advantages of avoiding complications of using the heart lung machine and stopping the heart for a long period for performing the surgery.

Technique (2) :
The operation was done using both mammary arteries – LIMA and RIMA – from inside the chest only !There are two special arteries inside the chest known as LIMA and RIMA – ie Left internal mammary artery (LIMA) and Right Internal Mammary Artery (RIMA). These are the only two arteries in the body which do not develop natural blockages !!
Hence these arteries often give a “permanent” solution for treating coronary blockages. The bypass operation which is done using only these two arteries from inside the chest is known as “LIMA – RIMA – Y ” operation.It is a technically superior and complex operation with far superior results and gives the patient a much longer life as compared to the standard bypass surgery using arteries or veins from the hand and leg.

These arteries are of different quality and are the ONLY arteries in the body which do NOT develop natural disease and blockages ! Hence LIMA and RIMA arteries are the best arteries for bypass surgery and may last for even 20 – 25 years!!Whereas the life of arteries or veins from the hand and leg – which are used in the standard bypass operation – is usually 7 – 10 yrs or so !! After that they may start getting blocked.

Life of LIMA – RIMA – Y graft?
Most “LIMA – RIMA – Y ” grafts often last more than 20 – 25 years and definitely increase the patients life accordingly – much more than the standard bypass surgery.

Results with LIMA + RIMA?
There are many patients who have been operated from 1996 onwards – using LIMA and RIMA grafts – who are doing well even today after 25 years after their bypass surgery. Of course – these long lasting results will also depend upon the patient taking care of all the risk factors such as control of BP, diabetes , cholesterol , along with diet control and daily exercise. The patient should have a strict regulation of life style and a REGULAR THREE MONTHLY FOLLOW UP for close supervision of the same. Best wishes for a long , healthy and active life…

Warm regards , Dr Sandeep Honnekeri


➕ Clinic address :
A- 1 , Ben Nevis,
Ground floor,
100, Bhulabhai Desai road,
Next to Indian oil petrol
Nearest landmark : Tata garden
Mumbai 400036